Monday, 26 November 2012

Skincare: an update

Some of you may remember one of my old blog posts saying about how I have jumped on the bandwagon,as it were, and bought some Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish.
I couldn't however afford the whole set, but I have some different toners and moisturisers that I use with it instead.
I've heard so many people rave about this product, saying it is a skincare miracle and that it improved their skin so quickly and had amazing results.
I am not overly saddened to say that I certainly haven't experienced a miracle from this product (yet my skin does have a tendency to be awkward and annoying), however I have seen differences.
I was one of those girls who had no skincare routine a few months ago, I'm almost ashamed to say that I was far too lazy to wash my face regularly, and I used to take my makeup off with face wipes, which were not good for my skin AT ALL, haha.

I have oily-combination skin, on my T-zone especially and it is oily on my chin too. Basically nightmare skin! I am openly really jealous of anyone with normal skin, their life must be so much easier!

But yeah, as I was saying. After using the Cleanse and Polish for about 3 weeks now, and washing and moisturising my face daily, things are starting to look up. Even my dad mentioned that my skin looked better. I still get spots, who doesn't, but my complexion is in general a little nicer and I am pleased with it.

Sorry for the long, ramble-y post, revision is tiring me out no end!

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Bedside table!

It's beginning to look a lot like christmas!

No, seriously! It's chilly, there are christmas lights and christmas shopping has begun!
I absolutely love christmas, and honestly I am so so excited. Late night shopping on thursdays, the lot. I don't even mind about the freeeeezing weather because the christmas spirit is all around!

Because I was a little bored last night, I thought, hey, why not change my bedside table around a bit! I did just that, making it slightly more exciting and festive :)

Isn't it pretty!

Left to right:

  • This really cute tissue box, I have a cold (sadface) and this is pretty and practical. Perfect!
  • Range of nail varnishes, my faves that I enjoy messing around with :)
  • A little circle for bracelets and small jewellery things.
  • My Hollister spray, hair product and deodorant (lol)
  • A mini christmas tree that is a £3 wonder from Tescos, it's real and all! It's super cute and my best friend got it for me as an early christmas present!
  • A jar that I got from Urban Outfitters, I just use it with a tealight in it that looks awesome.
  • Pictures in little frames, one from Habitiat, the other from Urban Outfitters :)
  • My jewellery tree, has my most used earrings, necklaces and rings :)

I love doing up my bedroom, and this is just a little festive twist yay.

Thankyou chum-lings,
p.s I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while, I've got so many exams which sucks, i'll be back to regular posting after these mocks.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Getting to know me a little better!

So, I thought that I should let you guys know a little more about me! I answered a question Tag that is just about me really, enjoy!

1. Are you named after anyone?
No, I don't think so.. The film 'Matilda' came out the year before I was born but my parents didn't even know it existed teehee.

2. When was the last time you cried?
About 12 hours ago at the last twilight film.. Yes, I'm a proud wimp when it comes to emotional storylines!

3. Do you have kids?
Considering I'm still in my mid-teens, no.

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
Oh god, I want to say yes but I'm probably really annoying to other people!

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, never. SEE I EVEN DID IT THERE. I'm a sarcasm pro, pleased to meet you.

6. Will you ever bungee-jump?
I want to say yes because I'm a risk taker, but as said before I am a total wimp and I would probably chicken out.. It would be so awesome to actually do it though!

7. What's your favorite cereal?
I only like weetabix and weetos, I'm not a big cereal person.. But I'd have to go with weetos, I love those chocolate O's!

8. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I suppose I look at them in general, but it'd probably be the hair.. Or clothes. Clothes and hair mean a lot when first noticing a person

9. What is your eye colour?
Reaaaally brown.

10. Scary movie or happy endings?
I have never watched a scary movie, unless something like Scary Movie 2 counts.. I'd go wi happy endings every time!

11. Favorite smells?
Oddly, it's got to be bacon sandwiches. Odd because I'm a vegetarian and I've never eaten bacon in my life. I also love the smell of bread (freshly made is the best). I'm an odd-un.

12. Summer or winter?
This is hard. I love summer because I hate being cold, but I love winter because of Christmas and because my skin always looks better! Hmm, I think winter wins it for me though, I love layers :).

13. Computer or television?
Computer. Every. Time. You can watch TV on a computer but computers on TVs are well fiddly and awkward! (Plus you can't blog on a TV!)

14. What's the furthest you've ever been from home?
Disneyland Florida, or New York? I don't know which is further away hmmmmm.

15. Do you have any special talents?
I'm not too shabby at accents, I also sing quite a lot and do grades and that sort of stuff.

17. What are your hobbies?
As mentioned before, I sing 'n' stuff, errm I love crafts and personalising clothes and accessories too.

18. Do you have any pets?
I do - I have two ginger ninja cats that are called Melanie and Mexico.. I love them big time. In the future though I am DYING to get a pug called Twiglet, I will make it happen!

19. Favorite movie?
As a typical teen, I love all the chick flicks like Love Actually, The Holiday, What To Expect When You're Expecting, errm those sorts of films. I also love musicals, having been in many myself :):):).

20. Do you have any siblings?
I have two step bruvas and a step sister.

21. What do you want to be when you grow up?
HAPPY! I don't care doing what, I just want my life to be special and fulfilling, doesn't everyone?

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Christmas time!

A bit of a dull post today as my camera isn't currently working, so you're stuck with my iPad camera, which is a bit rubbish really. But I thought I should post to keep all you guys updated.
I went to see Twilight today - I'm not a massive fan and I got bored half way through the books, but I actually thought it was reasonably good! I managed to control my sobs (I am a massive wimp and always cry at films!).
Anyway, it was a non-uniform day on Friday at my school, meaning we were allowed to paint my nails! Now, I had planned a Christmassy pattern, but the polish I had planned to use didn't like me and I had to strip my nails back to a base coat because my design went so badly wrong! In the end, I decided on a plain stripey nail in my OPI varnishes.

I will do a post on what I wore and outfits that I have been loving recently in a few days.

Thanks, guys!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Mini haul!

So as i've been feeling a little down at the moment, I decided to have a little haul to cheer me up!
What makes me more excited than skincare? NOTHING. I love it so much, it's my little obsession at the moment.

So, after a (pretty terrible) day at school I headed into town to have some quality shopping time, and I'm really please with what I bought and so far how they're performing.

Soap & Glory - Peaches and Clean deep cleansing milk - £7.00
I've only actually used this once, because I only just got it, but seriously - it is great. I use it as a moisturising cream after exfoliating or my cleanser, depending on how I feel! :) At first I didn't really like the smell that much when I was just smelling it out of the bottle but when it was on my face I was so so so pleased, as it smelt really good. It gave my skin a really great feeling and so far I'm really impressed. I'll give you a review of it later when i've tested it properly.

Soap & Glory - Face Soap & Clarity Foaming Face Wash - £7.00

This one doesn't smell so good. It's strange, and it smells quite a lot like the facemask I'm going to talk about in a bit, it's non-offensive I suppose, so I will put up with it. I think it's meant to be plum but I don't really know plum so I can't talk about it really eheh. Oh and in Boots, Soap & Glory is 3 for 2, meaning I got this one for free, yay! I haven't really seen a difference since using this so I'll let you know how it is when i've been using it for a while :)

Soap & Glory - No Clogs Allowed Deep Pore Detox Mask - £11

I really don't like the smell of this.  Everyone else i've asked can cope with it and I suppose I will learn to cope because it works, but I don't like it at all! I've used this a few times now and I suppose it is alright, but I haven't seen a major difference and, well, I guess I haven't been using it long enough. The sponge provided isn't very soft, but it does the job alright, so that's fine! This products says it's meant to turn blue when it's working, but I only got a very baby blue so I'm not sure if that means it is working or not! I'll update you on this another time.

Soap & Glory - The Breakfast Scrub Body Exfoliator - £9.50
THIS. SMELLS. AMAZING. I love it so much, I'm a massive fan of sweet smells and tastes, so this is really right up my street. I haven't had chance to test this one yet, but after i've finished this post I'm going for a shower so I shall test it then! I've heard such good reviews about this though so I am really rather excited to see.

The Body Shop - Single Eyeshadow in 45 Star Silver - £5

I bought this in a slightly lighter shade than pictured, but I'm having seriously annoying problems with my camera so I couldn't post it. This eyeshadow is thick, creamy and highly pigmented. It's the perfect eyeshadow really and I can't wait to try it out, i'll post about this one at a later date too.

That's all I bought in my little trip to town folks, thanks for reading until this point! :)

Monday, 12 November 2012


So this weeks Glamour has free Nails Inc varnish, so of course I had to go out and buy it! It has 4 possible colours you can choose from: Red, light Pink, a dark Navy and a sparkly one. Of course, I wanted the sparkly one! But, alas, Waitrose let me down and I had to settle for the dark navy, but it is still so cute and a really good colour for christmas!

This is what the cover to the Glamour this month looks like, it's got Cheryl (not so Cole) yay. If you're interested in the content too then I really enjoyed it, so I would actually recommend reading it too haha.

This is the colour that I got - in this picture it look quite black but it is in fact very navy, I even painted a little on my pinkie to show you all:

Now I don't know about you but I love the free samples in Glamour and any magazine really, because I  love trying out something before I commit loads of money on a product that I decide that I don't even like or is the wrong shade! I've being trying these samples out from the last few days and I must admit i'm quite excited by them. 

First the primer. I really like it, I actually notice my makeup stays on for a while more than normally, but I'll let you know if it is just the first few times I use it! I may even consider buying it. I can't find it on the Boots website though so I don't know how much it is, but I'll try and find it in a bit.

Then the BB cream, well i've been meaning to get a BB cream that would work for me for a while, and well I'm quite surprised at how well it has worked. I even wore it to school today, and because I am so self-conscious about the way I look and other people see me as, then I don't just wear any old makeup to school! When I got home, my face wasn't even that oily either, which is pretty much a miricle for me. The only downside I have with this product is that if you apply too much it goes overly tangoed on my skin and that it may not match my skin tone the best that it could, but I am pretty happy with it all overall!

Have you tried BB cream? Which ones do you like? Please let me know!

Thanks a lot guys,

 p.s after reading so many rave reviews, I have given in and have bought the Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish! I really hope it works for my skin, and I will let you all know how it is!

Friday, 9 November 2012


Today's post is a little different from my other posts, they've mostly been about beauty and fashion, but this one is more about my lifestyle and life in general, really. If this isn't the type of post for you, then feel free to overlook this post and just look at my other blog posts - literally if one person that reads this understands and maybe even takes something away from it then I will be happy.

So recently I've been so so so stressed - every piece of work possible has caught back up on me, and I'm over-loaded. Especially as I'm choosing which A-levels to do at the moment, I think it's a really important decision that I need to make, and I have to take the right decision for my life. I get stressed really easily, and sometimes I can get so worked up about something that I get ill over it, physically feel sick.

Literally I have so much in my life I could be sad about, yet I always choose to smile. This is a really important saying to me, even though some other people just disregard it. Family is probably THE most important thing to me, call me sad, I don't care anymore. I used to care about what other people used to think of me and my life, but without better words, now I can't really give a toss. Smiling uses less muscles than frowning, it's so easy yet it can make so much of a difference to yourself and other people around you :)

The other day I was walking to school with my best-est friend ever, and she pointed out my eye makeup was very sparkly that day. I replied saying "Well my eye makeup is happy, and if I look happy then it helps me to be happy inside". It sounds ridiculous but it's true - even wearing your favourite Tee when you get home from a really crap day from school can cheer you up in a small way and that normally helps so much.

Take tonight for example: I had a bad day at school, a test, boring lessons in general. I came home, got changed into a baggy hoody and put on christmas songs (Silent Night is playing now!), I don't care if it's early, Christmas always puts me in a good mood because Christmas is the time of year that family comes together - some of my best memories are from Christmas. Being together, warm, people have the Christmas spirit. It's so nice.

I'm aware I'm babbling a little, and this probably doesn't really make sense, but I'm just trying to get out how great it is to smile, be happy, even though I'm aware it's super clichéd. Nearly everyone has something in their life that hasn't been pleasant, but moping about it isn't going to help at all.

Thanks guys, sorry for the random-ness!

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

OOTD - YO!Sushi

Hello y'all! Sorry for not posting in a while, I've been so busy it's crazy!
So, if you know me you'd know I absolutely ADORE sushi, it is my complete favourite! Well, the new YO!Sushi just opened in the city I live in, York. I went along this evening and it was so so good!

This is what I wore!
Jumper/Tee: Primark, £8
Jeans: Topshop, about £40?
Shoes: Urban Outfitters, £38
Necklace: Urban Outfitters, £6