Monday, 12 November 2012


So this weeks Glamour has free Nails Inc varnish, so of course I had to go out and buy it! It has 4 possible colours you can choose from: Red, light Pink, a dark Navy and a sparkly one. Of course, I wanted the sparkly one! But, alas, Waitrose let me down and I had to settle for the dark navy, but it is still so cute and a really good colour for christmas!

This is what the cover to the Glamour this month looks like, it's got Cheryl (not so Cole) yay. If you're interested in the content too then I really enjoyed it, so I would actually recommend reading it too haha.

This is the colour that I got - in this picture it look quite black but it is in fact very navy, I even painted a little on my pinkie to show you all:

Now I don't know about you but I love the free samples in Glamour and any magazine really, because I  love trying out something before I commit loads of money on a product that I decide that I don't even like or is the wrong shade! I've being trying these samples out from the last few days and I must admit i'm quite excited by them. 

First the primer. I really like it, I actually notice my makeup stays on for a while more than normally, but I'll let you know if it is just the first few times I use it! I may even consider buying it. I can't find it on the Boots website though so I don't know how much it is, but I'll try and find it in a bit.

Then the BB cream, well i've been meaning to get a BB cream that would work for me for a while, and well I'm quite surprised at how well it has worked. I even wore it to school today, and because I am so self-conscious about the way I look and other people see me as, then I don't just wear any old makeup to school! When I got home, my face wasn't even that oily either, which is pretty much a miricle for me. The only downside I have with this product is that if you apply too much it goes overly tangoed on my skin and that it may not match my skin tone the best that it could, but I am pretty happy with it all overall!

Have you tried BB cream? Which ones do you like? Please let me know!

Thanks a lot guys,

 p.s after reading so many rave reviews, I have given in and have bought the Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish! I really hope it works for my skin, and I will let you all know how it is!

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