Today's post is a little different from my other posts, they've mostly been about beauty and fashion, but this one is more about my lifestyle and life in general, really. If this isn't the type of post for you, then feel free to overlook this post and just look at my other blog posts - literally if one person that reads this understands and maybe even takes something away from it then I will be happy.
So recently I've been so so so stressed - every piece of work possible has caught back up on me, and I'm over-loaded. Especially as I'm choosing which A-levels to do at the moment, I think it's a really important decision that I need to make, and I have to take the right decision for my life. I get stressed really easily, and sometimes I can get so worked up about something that I get ill over it, physically feel sick.
Literally I have so much in my life I could be sad about, yet I always choose to smile. This is a really important saying to me, even though some other people just disregard it. Family is probably THE most important thing to me, call me sad, I don't care anymore. I used to care about what other people used to think of me and my life, but without better words, now I can't really give a toss. Smiling uses less muscles than frowning, it's so easy yet it can make so much of a difference to yourself and other people around you :)
The other day I was walking to school with my best-est friend ever, and she pointed out my eye makeup was very sparkly that day. I replied saying "Well my eye makeup is happy, and if I look happy then it helps me to be happy inside". It sounds ridiculous but it's true - even wearing your favourite Tee when you get home from a really crap day from school can cheer you up in a small way and that normally helps so much.
Take tonight for example: I had a bad day at school, a test, boring lessons in general. I came home, got changed into a baggy hoody and put on christmas songs (Silent Night is playing now!), I don't care if it's early, Christmas always puts me in a good mood because Christmas is the time of year that family comes together - some of my best memories are from Christmas. Being together, warm, people have the Christmas spirit. It's so nice.
I'm aware I'm babbling a little, and this probably doesn't really make sense, but I'm just trying to get out how great it is to smile, be happy, even though I'm aware it's super clichéd. Nearly everyone has something in their life that hasn't been pleasant, but moping about it isn't going to help at all.
Thanks guys, sorry for the random-ness!
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