A bit of a dull post today as my camera isn't currently working, so you're stuck with my iPad camera, which is a bit rubbish really. But I thought I should post to keep all you guys updated.
I went to see Twilight today - I'm not a massive fan and I got bored half way through the books, but I actually thought it was reasonably good! I managed to control my sobs (I am a massive wimp and always cry at films!).
Anyway, it was a non-uniform day on Friday at my school, meaning we were allowed to paint my nails! Now, I had planned a Christmassy pattern, but the polish I had planned to use didn't like me and I had to strip my nails back to a base coat because my design went so badly wrong! In the end, I decided on a plain stripey nail in my OPI varnishes.
I will do a post on what I wore and outfits that I have been loving recently in a few days.
Thanks, guys!
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