Monday, 26 November 2012

Skincare: an update

Some of you may remember one of my old blog posts saying about how I have jumped on the bandwagon,as it were, and bought some Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish.
I couldn't however afford the whole set, but I have some different toners and moisturisers that I use with it instead.
I've heard so many people rave about this product, saying it is a skincare miracle and that it improved their skin so quickly and had amazing results.
I am not overly saddened to say that I certainly haven't experienced a miracle from this product (yet my skin does have a tendency to be awkward and annoying), however I have seen differences.
I was one of those girls who had no skincare routine a few months ago, I'm almost ashamed to say that I was far too lazy to wash my face regularly, and I used to take my makeup off with face wipes, which were not good for my skin AT ALL, haha.

I have oily-combination skin, on my T-zone especially and it is oily on my chin too. Basically nightmare skin! I am openly really jealous of anyone with normal skin, their life must be so much easier!

But yeah, as I was saying. After using the Cleanse and Polish for about 3 weeks now, and washing and moisturising my face daily, things are starting to look up. Even my dad mentioned that my skin looked better. I still get spots, who doesn't, but my complexion is in general a little nicer and I am pleased with it.

Sorry for the long, ramble-y post, revision is tiring me out no end!

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